Iindaba zombane
Ingade kangakanani imoto yakho yombane? Zeziphi izinto ezichaphazela imayile?
When you decide to buy an electric motorcycle, the factors you probably care about are nothing more than how fast it can run and how far it can travel? Kwabo bathenge izithuthuthu zombane, ngaba ukhe wahlangabezana nemeko apho i-mileage yeyonyani ingasebenzi ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
Uhlalutyo lwemfuno yabathengi kwizithuthuthu zombane kwintengiso yehlabathi
Kwiminyaka yakutshanje, izithuthuthu zombane zivele njengenye indlela ethandwayo kwizithuthuthu zemveli. With increasing environmental concerns and the rising cost of fossil fuels, consumers around the globe are looking for more sustainable and cost-effec...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
Zeziphi izibonelelo ezinokuthi zifumane iifoto zombane kwi-Green ukuhamba?
Today in the 21st century, with the increasing awareness of environmental protection and the rapid development of science and technology, green travel has become a global consensus. Phakathi kweendlela ezininzi zothutho, ngokuthe ngcembe iimoto zombane zihamba kancinci ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
Yeyiphi imigaqo ekufuneka iphunyezwe iibhayisikile zombane ukuze isetyenziswe ngokusemthethweni kwiindlela zikawonke-wonke eYurophu?
Iibhayisikile zombane ziba yenye yezona ndlela zibalulekileyo zokufika nokuhamba ezixekweni. As we all know, electric bicycles exported to the world need to meet a series of strict certification requirements of the local market.For example,the EU requires that ele...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
Indaleko kunye neendlela ezizayo zeebhetri zombane zemoto
There are many different types of batteries for electric motorcycles, including nickel-metal hydride batteries, lead-acid batteries, lithium batteries, graphene batteries, and black gold batteries. Okwangoku, iibhetri ze-acid-acid kunye neebhetri ze-lithium zezona zininzi kakhulu ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
How to maintain an electric scooter motorcycle? Abantu abaninzi abazi ukuba bagcina njani ibhetri ...
Isondlo sebhetri sibalulekile xa uqhuba isithuthuthu sombane. Isondlo sebhetri efanelekileyo ayisolimela kuphela inkonzo, kodwa iqinisekisa ukusebenza ngokuzinzileyo kwemoto. Ke, zifanele zigcinwe njani iibhetri zombane kwi-scooter? Umjikelezo ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
Ungayikhetha njani i-scooter yombane?
Abahlobo abaninzi bahlala bengazi ukuba benze njani ukhetho xa bejamelene nokuthenga okanye ukucwangcisa ukuthenga ibhayisekile yombane omtsha. Abantu abaninzi bayazi ukuba ukuthenga ibhayisekile yombane kunokujongana nokukhetha imoto kunye nebhetri, kodwa abayazi indlela yokukhetha i-choos ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
Imakethi ye-ASEAN BOWNTER-223-2024: isandile, nge-e-thycycles ekhula ngokukhawuleza
ASFAN Electric Two-Wheeler Market was valued at USD 954.65 million in 2023 and is anticipated to proiect robust growth in the 2025-2029 with a CAGR of 13.09.The fastest growing segment is electric motorcycles, with Thailand being the largest market. ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo - Ulutsha oluseYurophu lukhetha ikharbon esezantsi, iindlela ezizinzileyo zothutho. More and more young people are adopting "soft" modes of transport, with 72% of the 18-34 age group using public transport (65% of the total population) and 50% using standard bicycles ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo
Zithini iindidi zeebhetri zombane?
Njengoko sonke sazi, iibhetri ngamacandelo abalulekileyo kwizithuthi zombane, ikakhulu zisetyenziselwa ukugcina amandla kunye nokuqhuba izithuthi zombane. Ngokungafaniyo neebhetri zemoto, ezi ziibhetri ze-Starter, iibhetri zemoto yombane ziibhetri, zikwabizwa ngokuba ziibhetri. Ngaphambili ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo