Iibhayisikile zombane: Indlela entsha yokuThutha eYurophu
Kwiminyaka yakutshanje, iibhayisikile zombane ziye zavela ngokukhawuleza kwilizwekazi laseYurophu, ukuba yinto ethandwayo yokuhamba kwemihla ngemihla. Ukusuka kwiibhayisikile zeMontmarte Ukusasaza izitrato ezixineneyo zeParis kwiibhayisikile zombane ezihamba ngeenyawo zeAmsterdam, le-Eco-Fr ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
I-SHIFFE YOBOMBI YOBOMI YOBUNGOZI: Inketho eyaziwayo kumaqela asakhasayo
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Ixesha elitsha leTekhnoloji yeTekhnoloji yokuNtenga yeNkqutyana yeNkqubo yeNkcukacha-mali yeTekhnoloji yeNkulumbuso
Ibutho labantu likwinguqu yenguqu engazange ibonwe. With just a few words, one can now generate a 60-second video that is vivid, smooth, and rich in detail, thanks to the recent release of Sora, a text-to-video model by the American artificial intelligence ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
Izithuthi zombane eziphantsi
With the rise of environmental awareness and the threat of energy crises, low-speed electric vehicles (LSEVs) have gradually become the focus of attention. Esi sisantya esincinci, esisezantsi, indlela eluhlaza yezothutho ayinikezeli nje kuphela i-eldal hamba yedolophu kodwa nendawo yokuhlala ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
Iindlela zokusetyenziswa komhlaba jikelele kunye nokuthengwa kweetrayikhi zombane
In many countries across the Asia-Pacific region, such as China, India, and Southeast Asian nations, electric tricycles have gained widespread popularity due to their suitability for short-distance travel and urban commuting. Ngakumbi eTshayina, imakethi ye-elekri ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
Izithuthuthu zombane: Ukubaluleka kwemigangatho yovavanyo lwefektri
Izithuthuthu zombane, njengendlela yokuhamba, ifuthe ngqo kukhuseleko lwabakhweli kunye nabahamba ngeenyawo. Through factory inspection standards, manufacturers ensure that motorcycles do not pose serious safety hazards during normal usage, addressing functionalities su...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
I-tricycles yombane: Ukunyuka kwe-jikelele kukhokelwe yi-China
I-tricycles yombane, njengendlela entsha yothutho, ifumana isidumo kwihlabathi liphela, ekhokelela kwindlela eya kwikamva elizinzileyo. Ixhaswe yidatha, sinokufumana ukuqonda okubanzi kweendlela zehlabathi ezikwi-tricycles yombane kunye ne-China ekhokelayo ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo - Iziko lombane, njengeendlela ezifanelekileyo zokuhamba, zifumana ukwanda kuthathelwa ingqalelo kunye nokuthandwa. Xa kuziwa ekukhetheni indlela yothutho, kutheni le nto ifanele iqwalasele i-scooters yombane? Nantsi ingxoxo, inesidima kunye nedatha ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo
Imeko ekhulayo: Ukumiswa ngokupheleleyo kweebhayisikile
In recent years, full suspension electric bikes have gradually become a popular mode of transportation in urban areas, with their trend on the rise. Emva kwale nto, izinto ezahlukeneyo zinokudlala, kubandakanya nokuveliswa kwetekhnoloji, iqondwe kwindalo engqongileyo ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo -
I-Kenya Spark i-Peat Poight Relloltion yoMkhondo weTeketi yebhetri swap
On December 26, 2022, according to Caixin Global, there has been a notable emergence of distinctive branded battery swap stations near Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, in recent months. Ezi zikhululo zivumela abakhweli abakhweli bombane batshintshiselane ngokulula ...Funda ngokugqithisileyo