Nhau dzeCorco

  • Kupemberera kaviri kuCylemix: Kisimusi & New Year yakakosha!

    Kupemberera kaviri kuCylemix: Kisimusi & New Year yakakosha!

    Dear Cyclemix Community, As a big thank you for your incredible support, we've teamed up with Huizhou Yixun Factory for an exclusive Christmas and New Year promotion! Gadzirira zvisingabatsiri zvibvumirano pamabhangi emagetsi, nemamwe marudzi kusvika makumi mashanu muzana ...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • On April 15, the 133rd China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair) kicked off in Guangzhou, which is also the first time that Canton Fair fully resumed offline exhibition. Gore rino canton Fair ndiyo yakakura kwazvo munhoroondo, ine rekodhi-yakakwirira-nzvimbo yekuratidzira nzvimbo uye nhamba ...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • Recently, marketing and research service organization UpShift released a research report, which compared the operating costs of electric vehicles and fuel vehicles in winter in different countries. Chirevo chakavakirwa pazvinhu zvinoonekwa zvezvidzidzo zvakakurumbira ...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • Yemusika wepasi rose, cyclomix - imwe -stop yemagetsi yemotokari yekuchengetera chiPuratifomu, yakatangwa zviri pamutemo

    Yemusika wepasi rose, cyclomix - imwe -stop yemagetsi yemotokari yekuchengetera chiPuratifomu, yakatangwa zviri pamutemo

    Muna 2022, iyo imwe -STOP Electric yemotokari purogiramu platform - Dyaclemix, yakatangwa zviri pamutemo musika wepasi rose. Global buyers can buy components for full -class electric vehicles and electric vehicles on the CYCLEMIX platform, including Bicycles/electric bicycles, ...
    Verenga zvimwe
  • Shandira musika wepasi rose uye upe zvakakwana zvigadzirwa zvemagetsi zvigadzirwa zvekugadzirisa zvevatengi vepasirese

    Shandira musika wepasi rose uye upe zvakakwana zvigadzirwa zvemagetsi zvigadzirwa zvekugadzirisa zvevatengi vepasirese

    Mumakore achangopfuura, dziviriro yakasvibirira yakasvibirira ichava zvishoma nezvishoma maitiro epasi rose. In the transportation industry, China has never ceased its efforts to contribute to the global climate. The government will continue to work on accelerating the penetration of renewable ...
    Verenga zvimwe