Magetsi mabhasiketi: maitiro matsva ekufambisa muEurope
Mumakore achangopfuura, mabhasikoro emagetsi akakurumidza kubuda nekukurumidza kuEurope Continent, achiva sarudzo yakakurumbira yekufamba kwezuva nezuva. From the Montmartre bicycles spreading across the narrow streets of Paris to electric pedal bikes along the canals of Amsterdam, this eco-fr...Verenga zvimwe -
Lightweight Electric Mopeds: Chisarudzo chakakurumbira pakati pemapoka emutengi
Do you know what lightweight electric mopeds are? Lightweight electric mopeds, also known as electric mopeds, are compact and lightweight electric motorcycles, which are currently a popular choice among emerging consumer groups in the market. Zvinoenderana nekutsvaga kwemusika ...Verenga zvimwe -
Iyo nguva itsva yeiyo yekunyepedzera intellial intelligence tekinoroji uye magetsi magetsi
Sangano revanhu riri padanho rekushandurwa kusingaenzaniswi. With just a few words, one can now generate a 60-second video that is vivid, smooth, and rich in detail, thanks to the recent release of Sora, a text-to-video model by the American artificial intelligence ...Verenga zvimwe -
Low-Speed Electric Mota: Anobuda musika uye mutengi base
Verenga zvimwe - In many countries across the Asia-Pacific region, such as China, India, and Southeast Asian nations, electric tricycles have gained widespread popularity due to their suitability for short-distance travel and urban commuting. Kunyanya kuChina, musika weElectri ...Verenga zvimwe
Magetsi magetsi: Kukosha kwefekitori yekuongorora zviyero
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Electric tricycle: Global Olise yakatungamirwa neChina
Magetsi tricycle, sechinhu chitsva chekufambisa, ari kukurumidza kuwana mukurumbira pasi rese, achitungamira nzira yakananga mune ramangwana rakanaka. Inotsigirwa nedata, tinogona kuwana kunzwisisa kwakazara kweiyo nzira dzepasi rose mumagetsi tricycle uye china inotungamira p ...Verenga zvimwe -
Nei sarudza magetsi emagetsi
Magetsi anoverengera, seyakareruka uye eco-hushamwari nzira dzekufambisa, dziri kuwedzera kutarisisa uye mukurumbira. Kana zvasvika pakusarudza maitiro ekutakura, nei munhu achifanira kufunga nezve magetsi anoverengeka? Heino hurukuro, yakafumiswa nedata ...Verenga zvimwe -
Kupfuurira Kufamba: Yakazara Kumiswa Magetsi Bikes
In recent years, full suspension electric bikes have gradually become a popular mode of transportation in urban areas, with their trend on the rise. Shure kweichi chiitiko, zvinhu zvakasiyana siyana zvinouya mukutamba, kusanganisira tekinoroji ruzivo, zvakavandudzwa kuratidza ...Verenga zvimwe -
Kenya Spark Electric Yoped Revolution nekumuka kweBattery Swap Station
On December 26, 2022, according to Caixin Global, there has been a notable emergence of distinctive branded battery swap stations near Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, in recent months. Iyi nhandare inobvumira magetsi emagetsi magetsi ekutsinhana kwetsinhina akatsinhana itsvina mabhatiri ...Verenga zvimwe