Shina Electric fiara Alliance Brand
Nandritra ny 20 taona mahery, dia namorona ny vahaolana manamboatra kalitao avo lenta izahay ho an'ny mpividy.
Vokatra avo lenta sy malaza.
As the first electric motorcycle supply chain procurement platform in China, CYCLEMIX gathers the electric motorcycle manufacturing factories with the strongest production capacity, the best quality and the most abundant products in China, and provides the best electric motorcycles, electric tricycles, low-speed electric four-wheel vehicles, electric motorcycle parts and accessories and other products for electric motorcycle companies or purchasers around the world. Azonao atao ny mividy haingana ny karazan-tsokosoko elektrika amin'ny alàlan'ny kyclemix ary amidio ny vokatra manerana an'izao tontolo izao.
Ny HerintsikaManana mihoatra ny 10 taona ny traikefa manan-karena amin'ny fikarohana sy ny fampandrosoana sy ny fampandrosoana sy ny fanamboarana teknolojia.
Niara-niasa tamin'ny firenena sy faritra 100 mahery izahay ary manana traikefa manankarena amin'ny fanondranana.
Manompo ny tsena manerantany