Akụkọ Ọrịa Eletriki
- Na odida obodo Urban nke ugbua, njem a kariri esemokwu. Agbanyeghị, ugbu a enwere ihe ngwọta na-atọ ụtọ: mpịachi carbon ọkụ eletrik. This electric bike not only features a spacious smart display for easy access to riding data but also boa...GỤKWUO
Ntughari na ighaghachị: na-emebi atụmatụ na uru nke igwe na-ekpo ọkụ
Na mpaghara obodo mepere emepe, igwe eletrik ọhụrụ ewerela etiti ọkwa, na-egosi atụmatụ ọhụụ na-eme ka ahụmịhe na-emegharị ahụmahụ. From its waterproof and anti-theft lithium battery with a detachable charging design to the dual-...GỤKWUO -
Nchaji na-aga n'ihu na-aga: Rouncinwa dị iche iche nke ọgbọ ike
In the rapidly advancing realm of electric bicycles (ebikes), a frequently posed question is: Do ebikes charge when you pedal? The straightforward answer is affirmative, but the nuances lie in the varied features offered by different ebike models. ...GỤKWUO -
Na-agbago ọdịnihu: ịhọrọ n'etiti ndị siri ike na wiil siri ike maka igwe eletrik
Ka mgbanwe igwe eletrik na-enweta oge, ndị na-agba ịnyịnya na-eche ihu na nhọrọ ndị gbatịrịtara karịa ụgbọ ala na ndụ batrị. Mkpebi dị oké isi na-elegharakarị anya wiil ndị na-ekwupụta wiil ndị na-asọpụrụ ma ọ bụ wiil ndị siri ike? Understanding the dif...GỤKWUO - Teknụzụ breeki maka igwe na-eme eletrik ahụ achọwo nnukwu ọganihu n'afọ ndị na-adịbeghị anya, na-adọrọ mmasị ịrụ ọrụ ya pụrụ iche na akụkụ dị iche iche. Na mgbakwunye na nkewa ngwa ngwa, nkwụsi ike dị elu, ngwa ngwa na-agba ọsọ, na ezigbo braking arụmọrụ ọbụna ...GỤKWUO
- October 30, 2023 - In recent years, the electric bike market has demonstrated an impressive growth trend, and it seems likely to continue in the coming years. Dabere na data nyocha ọhụụ, na 2022, a na-atụ anya na ọkụ igwe igwe kwụ otu ebe zuru ụwa ọnụ iji ruo Arou ...GỤKWUO